Hatchlings Early Learning Centre is dedicated to you and your child’s health and well-being.
When your coming to experience our beautiful centre please take the time to familiarize yourself with our services and amenities.
Whilst you have the peace of mind that our centre is providing your children with the best possible start to life and preparation for schooling, feel free to take five and enjoy our tranquil and relaxing facility especially designed for your comfort.
Take the time to enjoy our parents room, Hatchlings have a dedicated room for parents to unwind from there very busy life style.
We understand that the good by process in the morning can be an emotional experience so please feel at home in our parents room.
Hatchlings are also dedicated to the forever improving processes within our centres.
We have a parent teacher committee that allows direct communication back to the Centre director to ensure the consistent improvement.
If you would like to join our Parent teacher committee please contact the reception.
Within our parents room
We also offer
Useful links for Families
Family Assistance Office
Family Assistance Offices have been set up in Medicare offices and Centrelink Customer Service Centres across the country, offering a range of payments to support families with their work and family responsibilities.
From 2 July 2018, there will be a new child care package. The package includes a new Child Care Subsidy, which replaces the current child care benefit and rebate. It will be paid dierctly to services, and will make child care more affordable for most families. This subsidy will take into consideration 3 things.
1. Combined Family Income
2. Activity level of parents
3. Type of child care service used
Use our easy online estimator to find out what it means for your family.
Cancer Council Australia
As Australia's peak national non-government cancer control organisation, Cancer Council Australia advises the Australian Government and other bodies on practices and policies to help prevent, detect and treat cancer. Cancer Council Australia launched the national SunSmart Schools program in 1998. The program has grown rapidly and there are now more than 2500 SunSmart schools and 3500 SunSmart childcare centres across the country.
Department of Human Services
The Department of Human Services is responsible for the development of Australian Government service delivery policy and offers a range of social, health and other payments and services. Support is available through Medicare, Centrelink, the Child Support program, CRS Australia and Australian Hearing.