The National Quality Framework is a Government initiative which sets a National Quality Standard creating greater consistency for early childhood education and care services across Australia.
This initiative aims to improve educator-to-child ratios in services, increased skills and qualifications, national regulations and a quality ratings system which will help you to make informed choices about the education and care you choose for your child.
The seven quality areas are;
Hatchling’s aim is to exceed the national quality standard across all areas of our service and the centre has a quality improvement plan in place to show what is happening in our centre to achieve this.
Hatchling’s aim is to exceed the national quality standard across all areas of our service and the centre has a quality improvement plan in place to show what is happening in our centre to achieve this. This will look at areas such as educational programs and practice, children’s health and safety, physical environment, staffing arrangements, relationships with children and collaborative partnership with families and communities.
For more information in regards to the National Quality Framework, please speak to the Centre Manager or you can also find more information on the website: